'September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month. This month, it's your turn to make a difference.'

- Around 34,000 people are diagnosed with a blood cancer each year in the UK, but two thirds of the British Public aren't aware of the symptoms.
34,000 is a very large number of people who are diagnosed and a lot of those diagnosed are also unaware of the symptoms that a blood cancer might present. Leukaemia Care want to change this fact by raising as much awareness as possible about blood cancers this September.
Anybody of any age can be hit with a blood cancer diagnosis, which is why Leukaemia Care want to raise awareness amongst the public and medical professionals about the cluster of symptoms that can indicate a blood cancer. By making people more aware of the symptoms associated with blood cancer, it can help doctors to pick up on the disease quicker, enabling an earlier diagnosis.
- You can get a ribbon from the website, simply by donating during the month of September at www.leukaemiacare.org.uk
The main types of blood cancers are Leukaemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma, however there are several other allied blood disorders. You can find out all the information you need on the three mentioned above and others by clicking on the Leukaemia Care link *here.*

'Leukaemia Care is a national blood cancer support charity dedicated to providing patients and their families with the right information, advice and support during their cancer journey. They provide support through a range of services including a 24 hour help line, patient information booklets, patient and carer conferences, nationwide support groups, cancer campaigning and individual advocacy work.'